영어 학술 발표 전략 (대학원생 역량 강화 프로그램)

연구 학술정보활용_연구
  • gradwc@hanyang.ac.kr
  • 02-2220-2874
  • 온라인
  • 전체 학생/대학원생
  • 전체 학년/전체 성별
  • 전체 학과
서울대학교 James Wood 교수님이 알려주는 연구 발표 성공 전략과 유용하게 쓰이는 영어 표현

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  • 프로그램 일정 상태 비고

영어 학술 발표 전략 ✨

Effective On and Offline Scientific Conference Presentations 

3월 11일 (금) 15:30~17:30James Wood
Delivering Effective Academic Conference Presentations
3월 18일 (금) 15:30~17:30
James Wood

🔊 Effective On and Offline Scientific Conference Presentations 

🔊 3월 11일 (금) 15:30~17:30

🔊 This session aims to familiarize participants with the basics of how to present academic content effectively, in a class or at an international conference, on or offline, considering different cultural perspectives and helpful language with a particular focus on the presentation of scientific data. 

The session will include:

· Why present internationally?

· What makes a successful conference abstract? (with successful examples and feedback from an international conference panel)

· What makes an international presentation effective?

· Language for signposting a presentation

· Explaining scientific data: Graphs, process diagrams and how they contribute to your argument.

· Self-evaluating and improving your presentation skills

· Handling and leveraging Q and A sessions.

🔊 Delivering Effective Academic Conference Presentations

🔊 3월 18일 (금) 15:30~17:30

🔊 This session will help participants to understand and hone the skills necessary for international audiences to not only understand but be engaged by presentation. So many presenters read from a script or a slide, and in these cases, many audience members withdraw their attention and get on with other things, especially online. This session will help participants to develop the skills to present academic work in a dynamic, exciting, and memorable way that will help impress and inspire the audience. 

The session will cover:

· Effective development and use of slides

· General principles of engaging delivery

· Being aware of audience needs

· Using voice effectively: Pause, stress, intonation and breathing

· Using body language, eye contact & facial expressions (data from UCL)

· Leveraging conferences for dissemination (impact) and networking.

· Developing presence (Cuddy, 2015) and Rapport.